
Fragment of a mould for making brooches, and a cast from it

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From Mote of Mark, Kirkcudbrightshire

Fragment of a mould for making brooches, and a cast from it
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This fragment of a baked clay mould, here pictured with a modern resin impression, is one of a number found at the native site at the Mote of Mark in Kirkcudbrightshire. The mould was used to produce penannular brooches, sometime between 500 and 700.

The fragment is probably for the end of a penannular brooch. It produced an object decorated with interlaced ornament.

The Mote of Mark was an important defended hillfort settlement in the early historic period. Excavations have revealed evidence of extensive metalworking. Together with other exotic finds, such as imported pottery, they indicate a high status stronghold.

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