
Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Marcus Herennius

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minted in Rome

Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Marcus Herennius
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This silver coin was minted in Rome by Marcus Herennius in either 108 or 107 BC. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.

The obverse depicts the diademed head of Pietas, the spirit of Duty, an identification made explicit by the inscription running downwards behind her. The letter P below the chin is a mint control-mark, used to record the issue of coin dies.

Later silver coins of the Roman Republic begin to have control-marks - letters or symbols which were probably used to record the number of dies supplied to the officials. Coins of this issue have mint control-marks extending through the entire alphabet.

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