
Wedge-like tool

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from Berwickshire

Postcard of Wedge-like tool.
© National Museums Scotland

Wedge-like tool

This perforated flattish stone tool, possibly a wedge, was found in Berwickshire. The presence of a central shafthole means that it would have been used with some kind of handle, of wood or similar material.

This tool has been made from a flattish cobble, with a blade formed at one end and a central shafthole drilled from either side. There is damage to the butt.

The combination of butt damage and the presence of a blade suggests that this could have been used as a narrow wedge-like tool. The function of objects shaped like this is, however, uncertain, as is their dating.

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Online ID: 000-100-033-034-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  X.AH 68
Date: Unknown
Material: Sandstone; perforated through the flat face at right angles to the cutting edge
Dimensions: 4.25" x 2.25"
What: Adze
Where: Scotland, Berwickshire
Description: Shafthole adze of sandstone from Berwickshire
  • Roe, F.E.S. Typology of stone implements with shaftholes. In: Clough, T.H.McK. and Cummins, W.A. (eds). Stone Axe Studies. London: Council for British Archaeology (Research Report 23), 1979, pp 23-48. 
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