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Made in Edinburgh

Postcard of Spoon.
© National Museums Scotland


This silver spoon was made by Edinburgh silversmith James Cockburn around 1674. The owner's name, 'M Bannatin' and the date 1674 are engraved on the stem of the spoon.

The spoon has an undeveloped trefid end. This design, so-called because of the three lobes at the end of the stem, originated in London and is fairly uncommon in Scotland.

It is unusual for the owner's full name to appear on the stem of a spoon. It is much more common for initials only to be engraved.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-002-448-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.MEQ 15
Date: Around 1674
Late 17th century
Material: Silver. Inscription: On stem: M. Bannatin 1674
Dimensions: 184 mm L x 49 mm W
Subject: Gold and silver (NMAS Classification)
Who: James Cockburn (Silversmith)
M. Bannatin (Owner)
Description: Silver spoon with an undeveloped trefid end by James Cockburn, late 17th century, engraved "M Bannatin 1674" on the stem
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