
Girdle, known as Midside Maggies Girdle

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Postcard of Girdle, known as Midside Maggies Girdle.
© National Museums Scotland

Girdle, known as Midside Maggies Girdle

This silver girdle was made by Adam Lamb of Edinburgh between 1608 and 1610. It was supposedly given to Margaret Hardie of Midside Farm by John Maitland, the Duke of Lauderdale and (between 1660 and 1680) Secretary of State for Scotland.

The chain of interlocked wire has an engraved circular disc at one end, and a conical pendant at the other. The disc has a hook on the back for the chain.

The wife of one of Lauderdale's tenants, Margaret Hardie had kept paying her rents while the Duke was imprisoned in the Tower of London by Cromwell in the 1650's. After the Restoration, the Duke is said to have rewarded her loyalty with this gift.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-001-371-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.NA 338
Date: 1608 - 1610
Between 1608 and 1610
Material: Silver
Dimensions: 1400 mm L; 69 mm D (disc)
What: Chain / girdle
Subject: Costume, etc. (NMAS Classification)
Who: Adam Allan, Edinburgh (Silversmith)
John, 2nd Earl of Lauderdale (Presenter)
Midside Maggie (Owner)
Robert Denniestoun, deacon
Thomas Hardie
Where: Midside Farm
Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
Description: Silver chain called Midside Maggie's Girdle, said to have been given by John, 2nd Earl of Lauderdale, to the wife of his tenant Thomas Hardie of Midside Farm, made by Adam Allan of Edinburgh, 1608-10
  • Dalgleish, G. & Maxwell S. The Lovable Craft. Edinburgh: Incorporation of Goldsmiths, 1987 
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