
Russian Pipers

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in Czechia

Russian Pipers
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Group in Strakonice, Czechia, playing the bellows-blown dudy, 1956.

The survival and success of the Great Highland bagpipe in Scotland and also transferred into other cultures has tended to obscure from the British perspective the bagpipes of other parts of Europe, of Asia and North Africa. Some areas still have a lively bagpipe tradition such as Czechia with its dudy fitted with characteristic horn bells such as was traditional on the old Scottish hornpipe or Stock-and -Horn. The dudy also is bellows-blow.

Bellows have long been used as an alternative means of supplying air for playing bagpipes. The dry air is less damaging to the reeds. A small set of bellows with leather stitched to two wooden boards is usually strapped round the player's waist, and the outer board with an inlet valve tied to the player's arm at the elbow is drawn out and compressed slowly to maintain a steady supply of air to the reeds through a connecting pipe into the bag. Bellows had been used to supply air to the organ since the medieval period and we have sure evidence for their use with bagpipes from the early 17th century. Bellows have remained in use for example with French bagpipes, the Uilleann pipe of Ireland, the Northumbrian pipes, Scottish Lowland and small pipes, as well as in bagpipes in Eastern Europe.

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