from Kiloran Bay, Colonsay, Inner Hebrides
 000-000-099-710-C © National Museums Scotland |
Sculptured stone
This schist slab is one of two with incised crosses used to make up a stone burial enclosure within a boat grave at Kiloran Bay on Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides. A man was buried within the enclosure with a range of grave goods sometime between 875 and 925.
The cross is roughly incised on one face and is likely to have been a Christian grave-marker. It may have been robbed from a nearby Christian graveyard or monastic site about which we have no other evidence.
The slabs in the burial were set on end to form an enclosure either within or under a boat. It is unusual to find Viking graves in stone enclosures, and the custom may have been adopted from the native Picts.
Record details
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Online ID: |
000-000-099-710-C |
Image Rights Holder: |
National Museums Scotland |
Project: |
0036: Kiloran Bay Viking Burial (multimedia essay)
Project description | View all records in project |
Ref: |
National Museums Scotland X.IB 339 |
Date: |
9th century Burial dates from between 875 and 925
Material: |
Stone; cross-marked
Dimensions: |
What: |
Subject: |
Who: |
Where: |
Scotland, Argyll, Colonsay, Kiloran Bay
Event: |
Description: |
Cross-marked stone from a Viking grave found at Kiloran Bay, Colonsay, Argyll, 9th century
References: |
- Graham-Campbell, James and Batey, Colleen E. Vikings in Scotland. An Archaeological Survey. Edinburgh: University Press, 1998, pp 118-22.
- Grieg, Sigurd. Viking Antiquities in Scotland (=Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, Part II, ed. by Haakon Shetelig). Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co., 1940, pp 48-61, esp. pp 58-9.
- Ritchie, Anna. Viking Scotland London: B.T. Batsford Ltd/Historic Scotland, 1993, pp 79-84.
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