
Fashion plate, from La Nouvelle Mode

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published in Paris

Fashion plate, from La Nouvelle Mode
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This fashion plate is from La Nouvelle Mode, a weekly fashion journal published in Paris. Dated 1909, the plate is one in a collection of plates from the journal, compiled in a book entitled 'Book of Fashion Plates from La Nouvelle Mode: Fashions 1908-1911'.

The plate is numbered 51 and is signed by the artist 'Drian' who also produced many plates for the French publication 'Gazette du Bon Ton'. The French title of this plate translates as 'A woman of fashion, dressed for the evening'.

The English edition of La Nouvelle Mode was called 'Paris Fashions'. In February 1911, the subscription rates were as follows:- (without plates) 12 months - 16s 0d, 6 months - 8s 6d; (with 2 coloured plates weekly) 12 months - 22s 0d, 6 months - 11s 6d.

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