
Seal impression (cast), of Robert II

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Seal impression (cast), of Robert II
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This is a 19th century sulphur cast of a seal impression. The impression was made from the reverse of the Great Seal of Robert II, dating from around 1371. Great Seals were used primarily for grants of land.

The seal depicts the king as a knight on horseback galloping to the right. The inscription 'ROBERTVS DEI GRACIA REX SCOTTORVM' ('Robert by the grace of God, king of the Scots') is the same as the obverse, and also found on coins. The gold border is modern cardboard trim.

Seals from an early time often portray the king sitting on his throne on the obverse, and riding a horse on the reverse. However, the details change, often to reflect contemporary fashions. Here the king is portrayed in the armour fashionable at the time.

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