
Chamber pot (detail)

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made in Edinburgh

Postcard of Chamber pot (detail).
© National Museums Scotland

Chamber pot (detail)

This is a detail of pewter chamber pot made in the late 18th century by Robert Kinniburgh, a pewterer based in Edinburgh. It shows the maker's mark and, below, the stamped name 'KINIBURGH'.

Pewter chamber by Robert Kinniburgh, Edinburgh, late 18th century

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-002-035-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.MET 42
Date: Late 18th century
Material: Pewter. Inscription: On bottom: { } KININBURGH
Dimensions: 5.50" H; 7.50" D base; 6.25" D inside rim
What: Chamber
Subject: Pewter (NMAS Classification)
Who: Robert Kinniburgh, Edinburgh (Maker)
Where: Scotland, Midlothian, Edinburgh
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