
Coin (reverse), Denarius, of Publius Crepusius

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minted in Rome

Coin (reverse), Denarius, of Publius Crepusius
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This silver coin was minted in Rome by Publius Crepusius in 82 BC. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. This picture shows the reverse of the coin.

The reverse depicts a horseman carrying a spear. The letters 'CXXXIII' behind him are mint control-marks, used to control the issue of dies. Below is the legend 'P. CREPVSI' referring to the moneyer.

Most coins of the Roman Republic were issued by officials called moneyers. They were able to commission designs, which often referred to famous ancestors or associations to favourite cults. No details are known of this moneyer.

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