
Fashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé

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published in Paris

Postcard of Fashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé.
© National Museums Scotland

Fashion plate, from La Mode Illustreé

This hand-coloured fashion plate is from La Mode Illustreé, a fashion magazine published in Paris. Dating from 1867, the plate illustrates two day dresses and is signed, 'Héloïse Leloir'.

The girl on the right is wearing a 'pinafore' with a separate blouse-top. As she is not wearing any kind of hat, we can assume she is single as only single girls were allowed to go bare-headed.

Héloïse Leloir was born in 1820 and was one of the daughters of Alexandre-Marie Colin (1798-1875), a painter and lithographer. Along with her two sisters, Adèle Anaïs and Laure, she was responsible for many of the best fashion plates of the mid-nineteenth century.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-087-431-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.RHI 67.15
Date: 1861 - 1904
What: Plate, fashion
Subject: Fashion plates (NMAS Classification)
Description: One of 117 fashion plates from La Mode Illustree, showing women's and children's wear, dated 1861 - 1904
  • Holland, Vyvyan. Hand Coloured Fashion Plates 1770 to 1899. London: B.T. Batsford, 1955, p 152. 
  • Langley Moore, Doris. Fashion through Fashion Plates 1771-1970. London: Ward Lock Ltd, 1971, p 104. 
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