
Font (3 of 4)

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from Borline, Skye, Inner Hebrides

Postcard of Font (3 of 4).
© National Museums Scotland

Font (3 of 4)

This font is from the churchyard of St Maelrubha at Borline on Skye in the Inner Hebrides. It dates from the 15th century. It is thought that the stone from which it is carved may have come from Argyll.

The font has figure subjects and other designs in high relief on its exterior. The figures include depictions of the Crucifixion, the Virgin and Child, and St Michael slaying the dragon. Panels on either side of the Crucifixion have carved interlace.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-001-091-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.KG 1
Date: 15th century
16th century
Material: Stone
Dimensions: 870 mm H x 540 mm W
What: Font
Subject: Stone sculptures, carvings (NMAS Classification)
Who: St Michael
Virgin and Child
Where: Scotland, Inverness-shire, Skye, Loch Eynort, Kilmoruy
Description: Sculptured font displaying the Crucifixion, Virgin and Child, St Michael, and the figure of a bishop, with an illegible inscription, from Kilmoruy, Loch Eynort, Skye
  • Caldwell, D. H. (ed). Angels, Nobles and Unicorns: Art and Patronage in Medieval Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS, 1982 
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