
Silver touchpiece (reverse) of King Charles III, the Young Pretender

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Postcard of Silver touchpiece (reverse) of King Charles III, the Young Pretender.
© National Museums Scotland

Silver touchpiece (reverse) of King Charles III, the Young Pretender

This is the reverse of a silver touchpiece of King Charles III (the 'Young Pretender'). The touchpiece dates from 1766.

The reverse has a representation of a ship. The Latin inscription translates as 'Charles III of Great Britain, France and Ireland, by the grace of God'.

When James VIII (the 'Old Pretender') died in 1766, Charles assumed the title of King. He continued the practice of 'touching' for the Kings Evil - scrofula (tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands).

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-000-199-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.1950.722
Date: 1765
Material: Silver
Dimensions: 20 mm
What: Medal, commemorative / touch piece
Subject: Medals (NMAS Classification)
Who: Prince Charles (III)
Description: Silver touch-piece of Prince Charles (III), 1765
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