
Coin (obverse), Denarius serratus, of Manius Aquillius Manii filius Manii nepos

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minted in Rome

Postcard of Coin (obverse), Denarius serratus, of Manius Aquillius Manii filius Manii nepos.
© National Museums Scotland

Coin (obverse), Denarius serratus, of Manius Aquillius Manii filius Manii nepos

This silver coin was minted in Rome by Manius Aquillius, son of Manius, grandson of Manius, in 71 BC. It is a type known as a denarius serratus, due to its serrated edge. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.

The obverse depicts Virtus, the goddess of virtue, wearing a helmet, and identified by the legend 'VIRTVS' in front, written upwards. Behind her the letters 'IIIVIR', written downwards, indicates the moneyer's official status as triumvir of the mint.

Most coins of the Roman Republic were issued by officials called moneyers. They may have been elected, perhaps annually. Coins of the later Republic sometimes have all or part of their abbreviated title 'IIIVIR.A.A.A.F.F'.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-065-705-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.C15273
Date: 71
71 BC
Material: Silver; serrated edge; both sides slightly off-centre, especially reverse; moderate wear. Inscription: Obv. Helmeted draped bust of Virtus to right; behind, IIIVIR, downwards; in front, VIRTVS, upwards / Rev. Warrior standing left, holding shield and rais
Dimensions: 20.50 x 20.00 mm D / Die Axis: 7.0
What: Coin Type: Crawford 401/1
Coin, denarius / serratus
Subject: Queen Street Coin Collection
Who: Mn. Aquillius Mn. f. Mn. n. (Maker)
Where: Italy, Rome
Roman Republic
Description: Silver denarius serratus of Rome, minted by Mn. Aquillius Mn. f. Mn. n., 71 BC
  • Crawford, M.H. Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 
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