
Trade token (reverse), Shilling (proof), of J. Wright Junior, Dundee, Angus

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Trade token (reverse), Shilling (proof), of J. Wright Junior, Dundee, Angus
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This is the reverse of a 1797 silver proof shilling trade token of J. Wright Junior of Dundee in Angus. Only a few proofs of this token were struck.

The reverse depicts the figure of a kilted Highlander walking to the left with the arms, supporters and motto of Dundee in an oval underneath. The surrounding text reads 'FROM THE HEATH-COVER'D MOUNTAINS OF SCOTIA WE COME'.

Between 1787 and 1817 over 10,000 different types of trade token were issued. The contemporary fascination with tokens resulted in them becoming collectors' items. Some tokens were issued purely for collecting.

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