
Medal (reverse) commemorating the Great Exhibition

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Postcard of Medal (reverse) commemorating the Great Exhibition.
© National Museums Scotland

Medal (reverse) commemorating the Great Exhibition

This is the reverse of a white metal medal commemorating the Great Exhibition held in London in 1851. The medal was made by T. Ottley in Birmingham.

White metal medal of the Great Exhibition, by T. Ottley, Birmingham, 1851

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-001-918-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.M 238
Date: 1851
Material: White metal
Dimensions: 2.91" D
What: Medal, commemorative
Subject: Miscellaneous Medals (NMAS Classification)
Who: Joseph Paxton (Designer of the Crystal Palace)
T. Ottley, Birmingham (Maker)
Where: England, London (Crystal Palace)
England, Warwickshire, Birmingham
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