
Fan (Guard)

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Postcard of Fan (Guard).
© National Museums Scotland

Fan (Guard)

Guard of folding fan, of carved and pierced ivory and red foil, with concealed pivot.

Carved with a coat of arms which has a Maltese cross in the centre, and various Arabic inscriptions based on the Koranic sentence There is no god but God, Muhammed is the prophet of God.

The coat of arms has not been identified.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-190-000-178-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  A.1996.371
Date: About 1860-70
Mid 19th century
Material: Ivory. Inscription: Ano 1123
What: Fan
ICOM Number: F 8.3
Subject: European Costume : female costume : accessories
Who: Richmond Inglis Cochrane Collection
St Louis of France
Description: Fan of ivory sticks carved with coats of arms and Arabic writing, painted leaf with a King speaking to knights, on reverse an angel and banner, part of the Richmond Inglis Collection: mid 19th century
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