
Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Manius Cordius Rufus

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minted in Rome

Postcard of Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Manius Cordius Rufus.
© National Museums Scotland

Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Manius Cordius Rufus

This silver coin was minted in Rome by Manius Cordius Rufus in 46 BC. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. It was a special issue, as indicated by the legend 'S.C'. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.

The obverse depicts Venus, the goddess of beauty and fertility, wearing a diadem. Behind her is the legend 'RVFVS' referring to the moneyer, and the abbreviation 'S. C' (for senatus consulto).

Most Roman Republican coins were minted by officials called moneyers. In exceptional cases the Senate ordered other officials to strike issues, or perhaps moneyers to strike extra coinage. This is the case for this coin, as indicated by the legend.

Record details

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Online ID: 000-100-065-779-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
Project description | View all records in project
Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.C15347
Date: 46
46 BC
Material: Silver; slight flattening; slight to moderate wear. Inscription: Obv. Diademed head of Venus to right; behind, RVFVS . S . C, downwards / Rev. Cupid on dolphin to right; below, MN . CORDIVS (MN ligated)
Dimensions: 18.00 mm D / Die Axis: 12.0
What: Coin Type: Crawford 463/3
Coin, denarius
Subject: Queen Street Coin Collection
Who: Cupid
Mn. Cordius Rufus (Maker)
Where: Italy, Rome
Roman Republic
Description: Silver denarius of Rome, minted by Mn. Cordius Rufus, 46 BC
  • Crawford, M.H. Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 
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