
Tray, associated with Robert Burns

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Postcard of Tray, associated with Robert Burns.
© National Museums Scotland

Tray, associated with Robert Burns

This iron tray dates from the late 18th or early 19th century and is said to have been used by Robert Burns. The tray is 'japanned' which means it is decorated and varnished in the Japanese style.

The tray has a silver inscription plate which reads, 'The platter on which Burns had his Bread and Cheese at Nanse Tinnock's who presented it to George Thomson'.

Robert Burns is acknowledged around the world as a poet and songwriter of extraordinary impact. His unique voice has had a lasting appeal in Scotland and throughout the world. His poetry has been translated into over 25 languages.

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Online ID: 000-100-000-065-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
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Ref: National Museums Scotland  W.SF 3
Date: Late 18th or early 19th century
Material: Iron, japanned, with silver plate. Inscription: The platter on which Burns had his Bread and Cheese at Manse * who presented it to George Thomson.
Dimensions: 255 mm D
What: Tray
Subject: The kitchen - cooking and table utensils (NMAS Classification)
Who: George Thomson
Robert Burns (Owner)
Description: Japanned iron tray with inscribed silver plate, said to have been used by Robert Burns
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