
Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Domitian (under Titus)

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minted in Rome

Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Domitian (under Titus)
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This silver coin was minted in Rome by Domitian, the brother and heir of the emperor Titus, in 80 AD. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.

The obverse has the head of Domitian wearing a laurel wreath facing to the right. The inscription 'CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII' identifies his title of Caesar, the fact that he is brother to the emperor, his name, and that the coin was issued in the 7th consulship he held.

The foundation of the Roman imperial coinage system was the denarius. Alongside this there was a limited gold series, based on the aureus, and a base metal series based on the sestertius. A denarius was of high value, equivalent to a soldier's daily wage.

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