
Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Caius Valerius Flaccus

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minted in Massalia

Postcard of Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Caius Valerius Flaccus.
© National Museums Scotland

Coin (obverse), Denarius, of Caius Valerius Flaccus

This silver coin was minted in Massalia by Caius Valerius Flaccus in 82 BC. It is a type called a denarius, the most common Roman silver coin. It was a special issue, struck while he was Proconsul in Gaul. This picture shows the obverse of the coin.

The obverse depicts Victory. Behind her is a prow-stem, one of a variety of mint control-marks which appear on these issues, and which were used to control the issue of dies.

Sulla returned from his campaigns in Asia in 83 BC, intent on seizing control. This issue was probably ordered by the Senate to raise money to counter Sulla's first moves in Spain. The symbolism on front and back clearly anticipates military victory.

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Online ID: 000-100-065-666-C
Image Rights Holder: National Museums Scotland
Project: 0098: National Museums Scotland
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Ref: National Museums Scotland  H.C15234
Date: 82
82 BC
Material: Silver; both sides slightly off-centre; slight wear. Inscription: Obv. Draped bust of Victory to right; prow-stem behind / Rev. Legionary eagle between standards of a maniple of hastati and a maniple of principes; EX . S . C between; on left, C . VAL . F
Dimensions: 18.00 mm D / Die Axis: 6.5
What: Coin Type: Crawford 365/1a
Coin, denarius
Subject: Queen Street Coin Collection
Who: C. Valerius Flaccus (Maker)
Where: Massalia
Roman Republic
Description: Silver denarius of Rome, minted at Massalia by C. Valerius Flaccus, 82 BC
  • Crawford, M.H. Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 
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